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Welcome to Spring or Autumn. This is a transitional month with something for everyone. Internationally, it is Women's History Month, focusing on the achievements, needs, and challenges that women ...
The world steps into the second month of 2025 with hope and trepidation. The United States has a new administration. Canada is finding its way to a new administration. Germany and several other European nations...
There are several unique focuses for 2025. I covered the first 12 in Part One. The following are the rest I have discovered for this year. As with all issues of LEEP Ink, the following descriptions are a...
Have you ever noticed that the same old tired clichés get used regardless of sport? Come on, sports professionals, during Sports Cliché Week, let's get creative and develop some new descriptions. Players, let's show your brain as well as brawn! Fans, what can you come up with?
Annually the week of the MLB All-Star Game.
Treat all televised and venue-specific events (sporting, concerts, trade shows, etc.) as estimated. Several factors can cause an event to move dates at the last minute, including weather, strikes, natural disasters, political upheaval, conflicting programming, pandemics, and current events. Because of this, always verify the event with the promotor before committing resources. LEEP often estimates dates based on the previous year's schedules, as the final dates are unknown until a few months, weeks, or days before the event. If the date is known to be estimated, you will see an (est) following the date in the title.
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